Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obligatory Introduction Post

Hello, fair peruser of the internets.

You have stumbled upon the blog of the Asian American Coalition Committee (AACC), a student organization at the University of Illinois at Chicago. AACC is a pan-Asian American advocacy organization, whose main causes have, historically, been the establishment of an Asian American Studies curriculum at UIC, the establishment of an Asian American resource center (accomplished! See links), and, in a more general sense, strive to provide a voice, push for social justice, and demand educational equity for not only Asian Americans, but also for other people of color and historically marginalized groups.

This is the AACC blog. This is a medium through which AACC members can post their own opinions, or spread news that they encounter via the internets. The views posted reflect those of the individual members that post them, not those of the organization (though they could, and in fact, they might). Any AACC member who wishes to post may do so [just let me know if you would like to post], and even non-AACC members may post [again, just let me know].

Personally, I am Brandon Lee, vice-chair for the Asian American Coalition Committee for the 2008-2009 academic year. You can contact me at The president this year is Joyce Yin, and the treasurer is Jeff DeGuia. I suspect they will both get around to posting very soon.

Please take some time to peruse the blog, check out our friends on the side, and, if you're so inclined, help support the cause!

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